4x4 Vineyard Tour with Wine Tasting

Tourist Activities

Come and see some of Quinta da Raza's vineyards in a 4x4 vehicle. On this extended tour, come and explore part of our 50 hectares and the vineyards that make them up:
  • Bouça Fria, Raza de Baixo, Raza de Cima, Encosta, Sargento, among others - where we will share with you the specificities and characteristics of the different grape varieties, the stages of the vine, the type of soils, our holistic vision of viticulture, in short, introduce you to our terroir and what makes it unique.
  • Introducing you to our terroir means giving you a taste of our wines. So we park our jeep and go up to the tasting room or panoramic terrace and, accompanied by the refreshing wines of Quinta da Raza, enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of the Alvão and Marão mountains and the imposing Monte Farinha.
This experience includes:
  • Travelling in a 4x4 vehicle accompanied by a guide;
  • Visit to the different vineyards of Quinta da Raza, with selected stops, where the grape varieties and other curiosities related to wine production will be discussed;
  • Commented tasting of 3 wines, selected by the client, 1 from the Dom Diogo range, 1 from the Quinta da Raza portfolio and 1 Natural Wine.
  • Pairing with traditional bread, toast, organic Portuguese preserves and a board of regional sausages and cheeses.
Duration: 3 hours approx. Times: 10am and 3pm Number of people: min: 2; max: 9 Price: 50€ per adult; 14-17 years: 10€ children 0-14: free Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. Observations: All wine tourism experiences take place on a private basis

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